Ballistic Resistant Glazing Laminate

Ballistic Resistant Glazing Laminate

PRL can produce your SECURITY and BULLET RESISTANT GLAZING in 5 to 7 working days. Our exclusive 1″ Bullet Resistant Glass design is thinner and lighter than traditional BR glass products on the market. The combining of glass and polycarbonate provides excellent...

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Bullet Resistant Glass

Bullet Resistant Glass

PRL is proud to announce that we are now able to provide our customers with SECURITY and BULLET RESISTANT GLASS products. Our exclusive Bullet Resistant Glass design is thinner and lighter than all other similar products on the market. Our Makrolon Polycarbonate...

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Security Glass, Bullet Resistant laminates, Ballistic Glass

Security Glass, Bullet Resistant laminates, Ballistic Glass

PRL is honored to release the news that we are now able to offer you Security Glass and Polycarbonate Bullet Resistant laminates. Our Bullet Resistant Glass & Polycarbonate design make up is a thinner and lighter alternative to all thicker glass products, while...

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